Wood flooring is a classic flooring option that doesn’t go out of style. It also costs a lot to install, so do all you can to protect it, as damage can result in expensive repairs. To keep your hardwood floors looking gorgeous for as long as you can, heed these tips.
Take Your Shoes Off
When you wear shoes on your hardwood floor, especially cleats or high heels, you’re just asking for scuffs and scratches. Dirt and moisture from your shoes can also seep into your flooring, causing further damage. Use shoe racks and rugs near the front door and encourage everyone to take off their shoes before entering.
Trim Your Pets’ Nails
It’s impossible to keep your dog or cat from walking on your hardwood floors, but you should keep their nails trimmed so their feet do as little damage as possible.
Use Furniture Pads
You shouldn’t be moving your furniture around without some support underneath. Pick up some small pads for the bottoms of your tables and chair legs. Without them, serious scuffing and gouges can occur.
Stay Away From Harsh Cleaners
Yes, you have to clean your floors regularly, but you should only use solutions designed specifically for wood flooring. Never pour cleaner directly onto the floor, as moisture damage can happen if the wood absorbs too much liquid too fast. Place a tiny amount of the cleaner onto your cleaning pad or mop first before wiping.
Don’t Roll
Those hard plastic wheels on the bottom of your office chair or rolling storage bench will scratch up your floors quickly. If it’s not possible to replace the wheels with pads or feet, add a rubber mat or rug underneath your wheeled furniture before dragging or pushing them around.
Refrain From Steam Cleaning
Don’t use a steamer when it comes to your hardwood flooring, which causes water damage and warping. Rather, you should simply dust your floor with a microfiber pad regularly, using only a damp mop or cloth when needed.
Switch up Furniture Placement
Don’t leave rugs or furniture in the same place for a long time, as your floor will become multicolored, particularly in rooms featuring large windows. That’s because the sunlight will fade your flooring over time, except those areas covered by rugs and furniture.
Contact Designer Wood Flooring
For more tips or to schedule your wood flooring installation, contact us today.